Implant Treatment

Implant Treatment

Implant treatment is an effective method used in dentistry to permanently solve tooth deficiencies. This treatment involves placing implants, which are titanium or titanium alloy screw-like structures that replace the tooth root, into the jawbone. Since implants are integrated into the jawbone, they create a solid foundation and a dental prosthesis or bridge can be fixed on them.
Implant treatment usually consists of several stages. In the first stage, the dentist evaluates the patient's mouth and jaw structure in detail and examines the area where the implants will be placed. The jawbone structure and the dimensions of the area where the implant will be placed are determined using the necessary imaging techniques (for example, panoramic X-ray or computerized tomography). Then, a surgical procedure is performed to place the implants in the correct position and depth. After the implants are placed in the jawbone, a few months are waited for the healing process. During this process, the implants combine with the jawbone and complete the process called osseointegration, allowing the implants to hold firmly in the bone.
After osseointegration is completed, a dental prosthesis or bridge is placed on the implants. These prostheses are fixed on implants and act like natural teeth, creating an aesthetic smile. Implant treatment can be used for both single tooth loss and multiple tooth loss. It also provides a permanent and stable solution for jaws that are left without teeth with implant-supported prostheses.
The advantages of implant treatment include protecting and supporting the jaw bone, preventing damage to surrounding teeth, providing the closest aesthetic appearance and function to natural teeth, improving speech and chewing functions, and increasing the patient's self-confidence. In addition, implants provide a more secure fixation of dental prostheses and prevent them from slipping in the mouth.
Although implant treatment is generally suitable for healthy individuals, in some cases, alternative treatment options should be considered if the jaw bone is not thick or dense enough or if the general health condition is not suitable for implant treatment. Therefore, it is important to receive a detailed evaluation and consultation from a dentist before deciding on implant treatment.
As a result, implant treatment is an important part of modern dentistry and offers an effective and reliable option to permanently solve tooth deficiencies. With treatment plans customized for each patient, implants provide a solid and long-lasting dental treatment and can significantly improve patients' quality of life.